embrace your inner self

Whether you have a specific goal or are seeking to evolve, Zerina will guide you in establishing clear, concise and measurable goals and she will support you in understanding your desires by identifying the areas in your life that need attention, improvement and action. 

Personal Life Coaching relationships are built on honesty, intimate conversions and rewarding outcomes but everyone’s journey is different and Zerina understands that each of her clients will require a specialized approach to coaching. 

Her unique engaging style and ability to deeply connect with individuals have inspired her clients to live a more fulfilling life by establishing mindfulness daily practices that help them increase their personal well-being and life productivity.


    • Increase self awareness, self confidence and self worth.

    • Reduce self-judgment and the critical inner voice.

    • Overcome anxiety or self doubt and experience more inner peace.

    • Set and maintain healthy boundaries.

    • Create and learn how to prioritize a loving relationship with yourself and establish self-care routines.

    • Learn to make informed decisions about your career path selection and professional development.

    • Identify your passion and plan out your career path around a journey that holds significant meaning.

    • Improve interpersonal and relationship skills, learn time management strategies, increase self-confidence and performance and enjoy a healthier work-life balance.

    • Leadership coaching; shift from old paradigms and gain new leadership skills to help make better decisions for optimum results.

    • Making the most of change, whether it's an ending or a new beginning, learn how to clarify your intentions to set you on the path to finding life fulfillment and alignment.

    • Get clarity on direction and regain self-belief and confidence in yourself (refrain from old conditioning thoughts).

    • Create a clear vision, life mission and align them with your core values so you can achieve the great things you desire.

    • Understand your own relationship values and find greater fulfillment in your personal relationships.

    • Take your long-term romance to the next level and find a deeper connection with your partner by improving communication, intimacy and conflict resolution.

    • Singles who have difficulty knowing what they want in a relationship; uncover the essence of what you want out of a partnership and set inspiring new goals with a new perspective.

    • Improve the quality of your relationships whether it’s in your marriage, relationship, family or within your close inner circle.